
Se afișează postări din iunie 24, 2018

Zombie Apocalypse||Book Tag

Buna,cititori! Astazi am revenit cu un tag,în colaborare cu:  ♡ 1. Pick 5 books. 2. Turn to a random page. 3. The first name you see gets to be on your zombie survival team. 4. Apply the characters to the 10 situations and types of people in the order you got them. 5. Fret over how doomed you are.  "Delirium" 1. The first person to die: Lena Săraca Lena..😢 "Prințesa de hartie" 2. . The person you trip to get away from the zombies : Daniel Oricum nu mi-a plăcut niciodată de el=)) "Urgia si zorile" 3. The first person to turn into a zombie: Seherezada De ce tot pierd oameni prețiosi?!😢😤 "Jocurile foamei" 4. . The person that trips YOU to get away from the zombies:  Effie Cu ce ti-am gresit, Effie?! "Jocurile foamei:Sfidarea" 5.   The idiot of the team:Haymitch He he :))))) "Printre tonuri cenusii" 6.   The "brai...